My Chat with Elijah!

Hello and welcome!

Before we start I think I should warn you… ice water and an industrial fan is needed.

And now that you’ve been warned, let’s do this.

I met my next guest a few days ago and I still get shivers down my body… the good kind, no worries 😉

Please welcome Elijah!


he saunters in and… DAYUM Natasza! I know you warned me but… double DAYUM

What is your full name?
Hey Eniko, thanks for having me on your blog. My name’s Elijah Griffon Bach. I’m a Special Warfare Operator with the Navy SEALs. Last year I received a new assignment as lieutenant of SEAL Team One, Alpha Squad. I had big shoes to fill after Captain Patrick Cobbs was killed in action.

Do you have a nickname?
Sure! All SEALs have a team name. It usually isn’t something cool like you hear in the movies, but instead from something stupid we did in training or on a mission. My BUD/S instructors gave me the name Picasso and it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with painting either.

What is one word that best describes you?
Yeah, well, I’ve heard through the grapevine my men call me a hard-ass. Maybe I am, but it’s because I want my team to come home from a mission the same way they left: walking on two legs with all their body parts. Although I shouldn’t admit this, I guess I might’ve had a bit of reputation as a man-whore with the single ladies in San Diego. Had my reasons… until recently.

Describe what you are wearing now to our readers.
I’m sitting here on your comfortable leather couch in work dress. Officers normally wear this when they’re on duty at the base, but when I’m off duty, I love my Levis and a comfortable Tee.

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?
Elijah chuckles Yeah, suppose she did. I had a bad habit of only spending a few hot, sweaty hours with a girl when I was off duty. Natasza knows all my secrets. Probably realized it was time for me to get my shit together and why she set Cricket and I up on the mission in Hawaii.

What makes you laugh out loud?
My girlfriend, Cricket. She calls my bluff all the time. She also calls me an asshole when I deserve it, but for some reason it makes me laugh. Guess it’s because she’s caught me red-handed.

What is your favourite dessert?
Hmm, gonna have to be the same answer. My girl, Cricket. She’s my favorite after dinner desert any day of the week.

What is your favourite drink?
Beer. Not very suave, but I’m a down-to-earth kinda guy. Love BBQ’d hot dogs and hamburgers too.

What is your greatest fear?
Elijah’s naughty smile slips into meaningful thought In my line of work danger sits high on the totem pole. SEALs are trained to ignore their fear. Doesn’t mean we don’t have it, but I’m always concerned I’ll make the wrong decision on a mission, putting my team at risk. That can have devastating results.

What is your favourite colour?
the smile returns and he nods Have to say the color of my girl’s hair. I love threading my fingers through it.

What do you wear when you go to sleep?
he laughs A SEAL is always prepared, and I’m always prepared. Not a damn thing.

What is the perfect romantic date?
Before, I would have said a few drinks and a few condoms. he laughs Now, if I’m not deployed on a mission, then Cricket and I spend our time at home. Dinner. A walk on the beach and then the rest of the night is “R” rated.

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Sweet Jesus, woman, you want me to give away all my secrets. Not very ticklish.

What’s your favourite smell? What does it remind you of?
Something Cricket wears. She won’t tell me what it is, but I know I’m home when I walk into that woman’s arms and I spend a lot of time investigating every inch of her to remind myself I made it back alive.

When you look at a woman what catches your interest?
Her eyes. Definitely, her eyes.

Do you have somebody in your life now?
I do, but if your readers want to know who she is, they’ll have to play Natasza’s online game to find out how we met.

What is the one word that best describes her?
Real. Beautiful. Honest. Faithful. One word isn’t enough. SEALs are away on missions for most of the year. Takes a special kind of girl to love one of us.

Is your book part of a series? What does the future hold for the readers of the series?
I’m not part of any book yet. Least Natasza hasn’t put me in one. My story was created for Nat’s readers to have a little fun. She’s got a big giveaway for the month of May. It’s kinda cool. The reader steps into the story and becomes a character.

What is the deal with this online game I keep hearing about?
You can check it out at the link below. Nat’s cooked up an online game for suspense lovers. You launch from her website once you sign-up for her newsletter. That’s how you’ll find out who wins the giveaways. The reader is the heroine of the story, and you run a mission with my team of SEALs. Anyone can play.

I did play it and I couldn’t stop, it was great imagining I was Cricket. Thank you so much Elijah for chatting with me and hope to see you again, in your own book.


Well? Did you enjoyed the chat? I know I did 😉

I am a big fan of Ms. Waters books and I hope you will give them a chance.

Mission Ad2

As he mentioned, Elijah hails from the game which anyone can play! For more details go to Natasza Waters‘s website and sign up to the newsletter to get the password to start the game.


You’ve read romantic suspense, but have you ever been part of one? Tighten your boot laces. Join the mission online. Meet the Navy SEALs from the award-winning series A Warrior’s Challenge. Open for the month of May!

I am a fast reader and it took me just over an hour to complete the missions in the game Elijah mentioned and let me tell you it was very entertaining, suspense mixed with some panty-melting hawtness, I am fanning my face just thinking about it. While searching for the passwords to get to the next levels, I got to learn a few interesting things related to the SEALs. I hope you will join in too.


If you are new to the series, although the books can be read as stand-alones, I recommend you start at the beginning to understand better how the world evolves and how characters get involved.


You should check out the other stories too, the stand-alones.


To learn about the books, and keep in touch with Ms. Waters check out the links below and if you chat with her, say hello from me.

website • Facebook • Twitter • Goodreads • youtube • Amazon

Check out the Warrior’s Challenge Series trailer on youtube

One lucky reader will receive an ebook of Code Name: Ghost, book 1 in the Warrior’s Challenge Series.

Kayla is intent on leaving her past north of the border. Hired as a Canadian liaison by the US Navy, she finds the Coronado SEALs tough but amiable. Their Commander is another matter. With eyes like blue steel and a body carved from it, Kayla resists the hungry attraction between them for good reason.

Navy SEAL Commander Thane Austen (Ghost) treats his women like his missions: in, out and gone. Returning from deployment to find Kayla is his new tactical specialist poses a challenge, one he’s never faced. When the defiant beauty with haunted eyes becomes a serial killer’s target, the Commander has the excuse he needs to close ranks around her. Fear is a word unknown to the legendary SEAL until he realizes love can be as dangerous to a warrior as combat. Convincing Kayla to surrender to him and catching a killer is a mission he won’t fail.

Sexy Mr. Random will let us know the winner’s name after 3 pm on Monday, May 22, 2017. Make sure you comment below. GOOD LUCK!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

My Chat with Lilith !

Hello and welcome!

Oh you will love the awesome guest I am chatting with today. I met her a few years ago, but now she is back to tell her own story. She is gorgeous, funny, sweet and sassy and I love her so much. Check out the chats with other characters from the series here and here.

Please welcome Lilith!


What is your full name?
Hi everyone, I’m Lilith Dale, High Priestess and Moon Goddess. It’s a pleasure to meet you all and thank you, Ms. Eniko, for coming to Nevada today.

Do you have a nickname?
Yes, and like most of my friends, Ms. Eniko, you can call me Lil.
I have to confess, that used to be my only nickname, but just recently, I seemed to have acquired a few more.
One, my brother gave me. It’s actually a road name, Sunshine. It’s not as tough as most of the bikers I met, but I think it suits me. The bikers think its for my sunny disposition, but little do they know I can actually blow them all up, which kind of puts a fun spin on the saying, blowing sunshine out your ass. I can literally make that happen, so I’m kind of bad-ass myself.
The next names are from Samuel, he calls me Lily-girl, Lily, or Flower. As a witch, lilies and flowers have many meanings. Sam doesn’t know this, he just likes the names because they are sweet and that how he sees me. How could I not fall for that.
The last few names are from Lazarus, and let me tell you, when he calls me Little Dove, Bird or Gem, it makes my heart flutter. But when he calls me his Goddess, phew, I need a fan because that is serious panty dropping stuff.

What is one word best describes you?
I think my brother nailed it with his nickname… Sunshine. Don’t you think?

Describe what you are wearing now to our readers.
Oh, this is one of my favorite style dresses from the fifties, a black rock-a-billy dress with a puffy skirt. It has a teardrop neckline with a red bodice, to showcase what nature gave me, of course. I paired it with a red belt and matching Mary Jane shoes.

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?
Oh, my, yes! I know I can be complicated at times, but Ms. Maguire did a terrific job of showing my personality without it coming across as too snarky or crazy.
I don’t think you could be snarky or crazy, even if you tried. But I like your sass… and your sense of humour.

What makes you laugh out loud?
I love a good comeback or tease, especially if it’s directed at me. I mean, if you can’t laugh at yourself then you need to get off your high horse. People are just to darn serious these days, light up, I say!

What is your favourite dessert?
Well, I know Ms. Maguire put it in the book and I don’t want to give it away. I’ll just say this, they are an old classic and so good… Darn, now I want one. I must ask Marty to bake me a batch when we get home. Goddess knows, no one in this damn desert would know how.
Oh yes I remember, love that combination…. those sound so yummy, will have to try them one day. Maybe you will share some with me next time we meet.

What is your favourite drink?
I seem to be drinking an awful lot of Jack Daniels and Coke lately. I also love a nice shiraz, and some bourbons are quite delightful too. It depends on who I’m with as to what I drink, and like the people, I have many favorites.

What is your greatest fear?
I used to selfishly fear being alone the rest of my life because I would never find true love. Now that I’ve grown up, so to speak, and have my eyes open to reality, I worry greatly for my friends and family. Our world is a dangerous place, we get challenged and threatened almost daily. If something happened to one of my loved ones… Well, I’ve already gone down that road and it wasn’t pretty, let’s just leave it at that.

What is your favourite colour?
As a witch, I am very attuned to color, it is how I view the world. Every shade holds a different meaning, picking just one shade, one color, would be impossible. I simply cannot choose one.

What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Oh, what a naughty question, Ms. Eniko, and rather personal. Well, if you must know, I prefer to sleep draped in the warm flesh of two rather handsome men.

What is the perfect romantic date?
A moonlit evening in the forest, laying on a blanket as we stargaze and share silly stories.

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Please don’t tell anyone this but, my feet are extremely ticklish. We are talking snot-giggles, if you touch them.

What’s your favourite smell? What does it remind you of?
I love a late spring foggy morning in the forest, when the Earth is warmer than the air and it causes a mist to rise. That humid scent all around, mixing with the many smells of nature, that is home to me. As nature is being reborn from a winter slumber, so too do I feel the possibilities and new beginnings of life being reborn within myself.

When you look at a man what catches your interest?
The eyes, always. They are the windows to our souls and with just one look, you can uncover so much about a male. His strengths and weaknesses, his pain and pleasure. Most importantly, if it is the right male, one who truly loves you, he will show you not only his history, but also his heart.

Do you have somebody in your life now?
Yes, very much so!

What is one word best describes him?
Him? How about them? For the first, I would say, complicated. For the second, I would say, challenging, but in a good way.
You are so lucky Lil! sigh

Is your book part of a series? What does the future hold for the readers of the series?


Yes, my book, Bequeath, is the third in the series. As for what is to come, I can’t answer for Ms. Maguire, but I will say, she isn’t close to being done with us.
We are currently still in Nevada cleaning up many loose ends, and unfortunately, making new ones. Such is the case, in our Underground Otherworld. Until we can find peace for the supernatural, I think Ms. Maguire has her work cut out for her, so I suspect you will have many more adventures with us.
I will give you a hint to the next book, September told me you all love to be teased… The title is Blessed, it takes place in Nevada, and is the story of one male, and what I hope will be his one mate because I do like her, it’s looking kind of rocky at the moment, though, but she does have a strong independent spirit LOL he’s in so much trouble and you will learn more history, even some secrets from our world, as we take you on another adventure. Oh, and I hear it’s blazing hot with scenes that would make even the Queen and her men blush. I won’t say anymore as I wouldn’t want to upset our author, she kills people for a living and I do not want to be on that end of the pen.

Oh I am so looking forward to reading Blessed. Thank you so much Lil for spending time with me. Say hello to your oh-so-yummy men, you lucky gal.


Thank you for joining us and I hope you enjoyed the chat.

3 Bequeath-cover.jpg

As she mentioned, Lilith is hailing from Bequeath, book 3 in The Legacy series by Marianne Maguire.

Lilith Dale has spent over three-hundred years wandering alone, in search of the answers to her past, while seeking out her most secret desire…to find true love.

Being a witch with great powers and unique gifts has made fitting in with other supernaturals almost impossible, especially when the coven’s strict rules have her doubting her every action. It’s not until Lilith finds a place at Queen September’s side in the Underground Otherworld that she finds contentment and new purpose to her life as the court’s spell caster.

But life in the court is never simple or easy…

Lilith soon finds herself on a Royal mission to stop those responsible for the brutal murders of magical beings. While she accepts the challenge given to her by her Queen, she struggles with visions that show her own death as the outcome.

Will Lilith choose to cross into the fade for the answers she seeks, and for the hearts of the two men she loves, or will she Bequeath her magic and let fate decide her future?

Check out this awesome trailer

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my review – 5-stars
Lilith is my fave female character from the series and I was so happy to hear that she will get her own book. She is funny, sassy, sweet and loyal to the core. And after all this time she finally finds her HEA with, not one, but two men, lucky gal. “Bequeath” is a great addition to the series I came to love, where we find out more who Lilith is, her powers, about the workings of the Court and delve deeper in the Otherworld. I highly recommend it and the series.


If you are new to the series, although the books can be read as stand-alones, I recommend you start at the beginning to understand better how the world evolves and how characters get involved.

To keep in touch with Ms. Maguire give her a like and if you chat with her, say hello from me. You should like her page on Facebook, she posts sexy shoes and oh-so-yummy-drool-worthy Wet Wednesdays sigh among other sexy posts. Ms. Maguire’s Pinterest is a place worth checking out too, make sure you have your drool rag handy 😉 Check out my chat with her in 2015. I had the chance to meet her in person and in addition of writing these yummy stories, she is such an amazing lady.

Website • Amazon • Facebook • Twitter • Pinterest • Goodreads

One lucky reader will get an ebook copy of “BEQUEATH”, courtesy of Ms. Maguire. The winner will be chosen by Sexy Mr. Random from the comments after 3pm EST on Monday, May 15, 2017. Good luck!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

My Chat with Leontide

Hello and welcome!

As usual when I invite one of M. A. Abraham’s hunks, they have to do their own thing, and forget about answering my questions. But… I AM NOT COMPLAINING 😉

Read on about my newest adventure…


I shut down my computer and again it is way after quitting time. It has been a hellish day and the rush requests haven’t quit all day. I want to go home, grab a bite and loose myself in a book, my usual escape from reality.

I rush to the exit, open the door, and step into the arms of a man that hadn’t been there only a moment ago. I swear it is true, he appeared out of nowhere. Oh yes, did I mention he has abs that were made in Heaven, with the white wings to match? I look up… and up … and up …. and I can’t contain my smile …


I blush and stammer, “So sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

Kyllan chuckles, I know he has heard my thoughts and my blush deepens. I don’t know why I even try when I know they are sensitive to thought patterns.

Timing is sometimes everything, Kyllan replies.

Yes, it most definitely is, I respond, with a sheepish grin. I mean, what is a girl to do or say?

I have brought you a guest, if you don’t mind, Kyllan announced. The Siren Elder, Leontide. I believe you have heard of him.

Yes, I had, and yes, I am curious. As Kyllan moves aside, to allow me to see Leontide, I am expecting an elderly gentleman to appear before me. Hot damn. These aliens need to be labeled with warning signs: ‘Danger ladies, can cause overloading of Human circuits.’ I nearly break into a sweat.

You are Leontide? I stammer. I never stammer!

At your service, Leontide answered with a bow of greeting.

He thought that he would bring you a surprise, Kyllan chuckled.

As if this isn’t surprise enough, he has the physic of someone around twenty-five years old. How do they keep themselves in this kind of shape? I am both jealous, as well as running on hormone overload.

It is all the swimming and flying we need to do to live, which is something I thought you might enjoy. This is why I have come, as well as to meet you. Kyllan is always talking about you, and for him to be impressed by a Human, I thought you had to be something special.

They certainly weren’t in the back of the line when it came to handing out charm. I look at Leontide’s sparkling eyes, and I know there is more to this than he is telling me. All right, I will bite, and anything he offers actually. Where did that thought come from? He is also talking about swimming, and although it isn’t really the right time of the year, I am curious.

You needn’t worry about the temperature of your lakes, we know it is cold and will take precaution. I have brought someone to keep you warm and safe in the water. Leontide assures me.

Warm and safe in the water? There was ice in that water only a week ago, I exclaim.

You will find that is immaterial to us, Leontide informs me.

My thoughts were, ‘maybe immaterial to them, but I will freeze my bootie off.’

Allow me to introduce you to Sailon. He is one of our people, about your age. With your permission, he will show you the wonders of you oceans, or at least some of them. Leontide offered.

Sailon stepped out from behind Leontide and smiled. I could have cried. The temperature of the outside world also just spiked at fifty degrees Celsius. Yes, I could use a cold swim right about now, although the lake might not be cold enough. He is not only built like a surfer, but his blond sun kissed hair over a well-tanned face makes him look like a model for one. I am dying here, but I may go happily.

Sailon smiles, as he holds out his hand and purrs, I can’t think of an expression close enough to cover that sound, this will have to do. Name your pleasure.

I take a deep breath, clear my throat and bless the day I told my son he could have a sleepover at his friend’s. I am going to Heaven.

I will be near, if you need me, Leontide teased.

I am remembering Sten and Errisa, as I think, ‘Hopefully not too close.’ Then I answer him, I have always wanted to go to the South Sea Islands.


Our pleasure is making you happy, Kyllan will transport us, but we can’t be gone for long. Despite that, we will make sure your time with us will be pleasurable. Leontide assured me with a wink.

Ta-Ta people, we are off, see you when I return.


Well, what do you think?

When my chats are hijacked my adventures are always oh-so-satisfying, don’t you think?


That gorgeous hunk on the cover is The Tribunal Elder, KYLLAN sigh

You will meet the Siren Elder, Leontide in INTERCESSION, book 4 in the Tantalus series by M. A. Abraham, releasing on May 10, 2017. He is such a character, funny, with a mischievous streak that will have you laughing.

The Tribunal Elder has lived through more millenniums than he cares to think about. He is not the type to shirk his duties. He is a force to reckon with; yet he is known to be a kind man. To settle a dispute between the Martians and the Human, he will travel to Mars. Before he returns home, this problem will be settled, one way or another.

The message from the Martians is clear, remove the settlers from the surface of their planet, or they will die. The Tribunal Elder soon discovers there is more to this than those who are in command know about, for the act that precipitated this action had multiple events. Someone is working in the background, manipulating forces, to create a power struggle between the two species.

Will he allow the Tantalarians be pulled into a conflict that they have and want nothing to do with?

Read Chapter 1 here and find the pre-order links are here.

My review:
“This book brings a major twist in the series, that I didn’t expect. An exciting continuation of the series where we find out more about Tantalarian history, a conflict on Mars and a positive outcome for all involved. I recommend it with 5 stars.”

Tantalus-bookmarkPRINTTime to update this banner and soon 😉

If you are new to the series, although the books can be read as stand-alones, I recommend you start at the beginning to understand better how the world evolves and how characters get involved.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads! Sign up to Ms. Abraham’s blog and follow her on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date. You can also sign up to this blog, I will have all the news too 😉

Check out this awesome trailer for the series

Ms. Abraham has graciously offered one lucky reader, that will be chosen by Sexy Mr. Random, an ebook copy of “Intercession”. The comments will stay open until 3pm on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. GOOD LUCK !!!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and show some love by leaving a review!


My Chat with Anton!

Hello and welcome!

Today I am bringing one of my book boyfriends over from the old blog because I can’t let him be forgotten. I was at Anton’s house for the chat, I am soooooo excited to share it with you again. He speaks my native tongue, Hungarian.

And there he is… 

oh my…. Rosanna!!! You should have warned me! Oh ya, you did warn me!
I can feel his powerful aura before I am even close to him, and those eyes are piercing, like he is looking right into my soul. I do not feel scared, ok… maybe a bit, but more like awed *sigh*

Isten hozzott EnikĂś!
(Welcome EnikĂś!)

I know I should not be staring, but I can’t stop. I try to respond, but no sound comes out, he hands me a glass of raspberry juice, I gulp it down … mmmm my favourite …

Thank you for accepting my invitation and answering my questions.
Have a seat, then we can start.
He smiles that gorgeous smile at me! I shuffle my notes, drop them a few times… Taking a deep breath…

What is your full name?
I am Anton Gaspar, Grand Prince of the Federation of Hungarian Tribes. No middle name. My father, Janos believed middle names were a waste of time.

Do you have a nickname?
he laughs heartily
Well, my mate Marci has a few for me, none of which she would appreciate me sharing, I’m afraid. Let’s just say she calls me “Tiger” a lot. When she wants to tease me, she will curtsey and call me, “My Liege.” And then I spank her.

What is one word best describes you?
his eyes flash in mischief

Describe what you are wearing now to our readers.
Well, EnikĂś, because you have been rather naughty and visited me in my bedroom, I have nothing on.
I can certainly see that!!!
You’d better hide or Marci will see you. My little lynx is quite protective of my manhood.
I am not hiding! I am not here to threaten your manhood and I do know she is protective, I would be too, but you are the one with no clothes.
I smile wickedly

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?
I must admit, I didn’t appreciate the way Ms. Leo depicted me at the beginning. After all, she made me sound misogynistic. I don’t hate women. Quite the opposite. However, because Ms. Leo was telling a story, I shall forgive her this time. She can keep her head… for now.

What makes you laugh out loud?
Very little, I’m afraid. I have never really been one to laugh much, as you will gather if you’ve read my story. However, my Marci always manages to put a smile on my face. The thing I loved best when we were becoming acquainted was seeing how her lynx plagued her, forcing her to give into her desire for me. I did manage a few laughs over that. Once the kissing began, the laughs stopped.

What is your fave dessert?
Would it be wrong of me to say my mate? She is sweeter than any dessert. However, she makes a wicked little cookie called a “Whoopie Pie.” By all that is holy, they are delicious. I call them her “sex pies.”



Never heard of whoopie pies, they do look yummy.

What is your greatest fear?
I’ve already experienced it. I almost lost Marci. Hell could never compare.

What is your fave colour?
Marci’s eyes are a unique golden brown. I’ve never really thought about colors I like, but if I had to pick one, that would be it.

What do you wear when you go to sleep?
he laughs
Come now, Eniko. I’m a hot-blooded shifter male. What do you think?

What is the perfect romantic date?
he raises eyebrow
A day in bed with Marci. If you’ve read my book, you know I have a lot of lost time to make up for.

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
I am not ticklish. But I am more than happy to offer tickles. I love that spot on a woman right on the curve of her waist.

What’s your favourite smell? What does it remind you of?
If I answer this question the way I want to answer it, you might need to censor me. Let’s just say my mate’s scent drives me wild, and it intensifies at certain moments. That is my favourite scent.

When you look at a woman what catches your interest?
Intelligence shining in her eyes. A quick wit. Loyalty. Yes, a beautiful body and face are always attractive, but they mean nothing if the woman behind them is a only interested in superficial things.

Do you have somebody in your life now?
I’ve mentioned my mate Marci Lennox, now Gaspar. And she will be the last woman in my life.

What is one word that best describes her?
Sweetness. She is my kitten.

Can you tell us a bit about what the future holds for the readers of the series?
‘Predator’s Salvation’ is the last book in the series and was released March 20, 2017

I better shuffle out before Marci returns, just to be on the safe side.

Thank you again for answering my questions. I am sure the readers will be pleased.

(See you soon!)


Thank you for coming by and reading my chat with Anton, hope you enjoyed it. He is my book boyfriend from Predator’s Refuge, book 3 in the ‘Gemini Island Shifters’ series by Rosanna Leo.


A tiger shifter searching for a safe place to hide. A lynx shifter trying to prove herself. Neither expecting the desire that flares between them … nor the danger stalking them. Suspense and passion fill the pages of Predator’s Refuge, Book 3 of Rosanna Leo’s thrilling romance series, Gemini Island Shifters.

Lynx shifter Marci Lennox has worked at the shifter-friendly Ursa Fishing Lodge and Resort all her adult life. It’s more a home to her than a job. When her boss goes on vacation, putting her in charge, Marci is thrilled. Finally a chance to prove she has the mettle to run a resort.

Her confidence is shaken when new employee Anton Gaspar appears. One look at the mysterious tiger shifter spells trouble for Marci and for her sex-crazed lynx. Anton is judgmental, condescending, and a little misogynistic. Unfortunately, Marci’s lynx thinks his tiger is more delicious than an oversized bag of Maltesers.

It becomes difficult for Marci to remain neutral near Anton, especially when she learns of his troubling past and unusual family circumstances. However, when dangerous incidents occur on the resort, the lynx woman and tiger man join forces to combat the threat to the lodge and its guests.

Harder still is the quest to combat their explosive feelings for one another. As they explore their mutual passion, they realize the danger at the resort is more insidious than they ever envisioned. Their dreams, their love, and their very lives are at stake.

My review: “Another delicious story in the Gemini Island Shifters series, this is the story of Marcie and Anton. As with the other books, the author managed to pull me into the book from the first page, suspense, humour, steamy scenes and a HEA makes this a great read. Totally recommend it!”


Read more about Rosanna Leo and her books, there are lots more awesome books beside this series, the Orkney Selkies series, the Greek God series, a few stand-alones , also anthologies like The Lucky’s Charms and Love in the Cards … mmmm… which are FREE

To keep in touch with Ms. Leo and check out all her yummy books, follow the links below and if you chat with her, tell her I said hi 😀 Make sure you peek in her Pinterest folders, lots of yumminess there to be enjoyed 😉

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If you missed my chat with Ms. Leo you can check it out here. I also had a few of my other book boyfriends join me on the chat, the yummy Selkies Calan and Machar and former political journalist Patrick sigh

One lucky reader will receive one ebook from the “Gemini Island Shifters” series, winner’s choice. Sexy Mr. Random will let us know who that is after 3 pm on Monday, May 8, 2017. GOOD LUCK!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

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May 2017

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Sweet & Spicy Reads

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kirilson photography

the stories behind the pictures, and vice versa

Heather Rainier

Erotic Romance Author

Angel Reviews

My honest reviews always.

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

Author T.M. Witko

Multigenre author of Adult Romances, Crime Fiction, Mysteries & Thrillers, Paranormal Young Adult, and Native American Fiction

The Dragonfire Novels

Bestselling Paranormal Romances Featuring Dragon Shifter Heroes by Deborah Cooke


tell your stories, love your life

The Hatters

Bookish Ramblings from the slightly insane.

Evangeline Anderson

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author

Delilah Devlin's Collections

Erotic Romance for Women

Mary's MĂŠnages Reviews & Promos

♂♀♂ Another way to Review Erotic Ménage Romances...

Inflight Reads

Your Boarding Pass to Bookish Joy

Saucy Southern Readers

professional, honest, and timely book reviews

Duchess of Romance

Romance books, historical romance, authors and book reviews

Charlotte Howard - Romance Author

All you need is tea and a good book.

Crazy Lady's Book Blog

Awesome Authors, Badass Books, and Updates


Personal blog of a person.

Rants and Raves by KaLyn Cooper

Sizzling Romantic Suspense around the world melding fact and fiction together with steamy love

Rosanna Leo

Happily ever after, guaranteed.

Ceci Giltenan, Author

Characters with character

Self-Publishing Roundtable

Interviews and blog posts to help you succeed in Self-Publishing. For indies, by indies.

Booktalk with Eileen: Journaling a Journey -- Learning the Art of Crafting a Novel

Sharing the experience of living a thousand lives and creating new ones

Deborah Cooke & Her Books

USA Today Bestselling author Deborah Cooke writes paranormal romance and contemporary romance; she also writes medieval romance as New York Times bestselling author Claire Delacroix.

M. A. Abraham

Visit the worlds of author M.A. Abraham

SEELKs fire & ice

Books are my passion!

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