Book world adventures – Autumn 2018 edition

Hello and welcome!

As I posted about these in September and October, I attended two books signings this fall. It will be a long post but bear with me, it will be worth it.

In September there was Ignite Your Soul Author Event in London, ON Canada.


Love their slogan: Real books. Real People. Real community. Come ignite your soul with us!

I was a PA for the day for M. A. Abraham but also got to mingle with the other authors, bloggers and readers. Here is my haul.

books bought
swag collected

This year it was the Alzheimer Society of London and Middlesex who was the recipient of the silent auctions proceeds. The authors, bloggers donated some great prizes to bid on. I bid on two and won one, which is not too bad.

After the signing, the VIP guests attended the Autumn Harvest Dinner After Party where the buffet dinner was delicious, there was dancing with DJ entertainment and photo booth to goof around in, I got to use the spanking paddle on a few friends LOL the night ended with tears rolling down my face and holding my stomach from so much laughter. Yeah I am looking at you Tricia and Angie … I am still waiting for the demonstration on how to eat the tiramisu properly 😛

All in all it was a good event and we had a good time, kudos to authors
Crystal St. Clair & Erin Cristofoli and their awesome team of volunteers, looking forward to next signing happening in 2020. Check out the website for more info.


In October there was a brand new 2-day event, KaLiCon held in Belleville, ON Canada

It went beyond expectations and thanks to Kali Willows and Kacey Hammell, along with their amazing team, the event was a great success. Friday schedule was packed. There was the Elven Games I got to put together with M. A. Abraham where we had musical chairs, musical toys (a variation of musical chairs for those with mobility issues), puzzles, crafts, frog games, bow & arrows, also pin-the-tail-on-the-dragon, also games involving balloons, spoons and knees too 😀

There was the Author-Sponsored Luncheon, then Author Speed Dating (chat with the author for 5 minutes then move to the next one), then Cider Sampling with Kayleigh Malcolm. I have to say I never really liked cider before, now I certainly do. Later on was the VIP Cocktail Party where we got to try some yummy cocktails. I tried the KALICON DRAGON and BOOK WHORE… YUM … got to keep the menu sign YAY

We also had virtual signings from authors who could not be at the event and we chatted over video link. Lots of prizes were won, I did too, got a dragon eye necklace from Kali Willows.

On Saturday morning there was the Guess Whose Line is It, where there were lines read from various books and who guessed right won the book. I won Clone – Book of Eva by Paxton Summers got to keep the board and signed too. Also won a t-shirt from her.

Again, I was assisting M. A. Abraham at the signing but also got to sneak out and check out the other tables, meeting new authors along with hugging my faves. My haul is smaller this time 😉

books bought
books won or gifted to me

The silent auction was a resounding success, with the generous donations from authors, bloggers and a few local companies.  My contribution was this necklace I made using aventurine, chalcedony, corralium, turquoise and 925 silver. The chosen charity was the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign.

The plans are already in place for next year, I will be there helping M.A. again, plotting the Elven Games. Make sure you reserve your spot as soon as possible, go to the website for more info.


Now to the best part… because it is my birthday tomorrow and you are all amazing and I love sharing my loot with you, there are two parcels, each containing:

  • two signed books chosen at random from the ones below. I purchased a copy of the Word Search for Warriors from C. A. King then got thinking, it is for a great cause, so I bought another one to share with you. Shaded by Love – Coloring Book was gifted by Kerri Anne, Clone – Book of Eva was gifted by Paxton Summers and Essence Derived was gifted by Carey Decevito specifically for this giveaway.
  • swag
  • VIP bags from both events
  • a tote bag from me, also this fan made by me

Sexy Mr. Random will pick the 2 winners, after 3pm EST on Monday, November 26, 2018, from the comments. Open internationally! GOOD LUCK!

Until next time… read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

My Chat with Ryder

Hello and welcome!

Today I have a recent addition to my BBF collection. Read on and find out who he is 😉

Welcome Ryder!

DAYUM Nicole! You showed me a picture of him but it doesn’t do him justice YUUUUM … I didn’t think I need the fan close by, it is freaking cold outside, but I might have to get my handheld one

What is your full name?
Ryder Storm

Do you have a nickname?
I have plenty in the bedroom, but those shouldn’t be shared publicly.

What is one word best describes you?

Describe what you are wearing now to our readers.
Black t-shirt and blue jeans, sans underwear.
Commando, eh? I grin of course

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?
Nicole Garcia couldn’t have done a more perfect job. She gets me completely.

What makes you laugh out loud?
My sons Aiden and Caleb.

What is your favourite dessert?
I have been known to indulge in anything peach flavored.


What is your favourite drink?
Coffee, and I need plenty of it to keep up with my kids.
I made some espresso and my fave hazelnut cookies

What is your greatest fear?
Losing my wife and kids.

What is your favourite colour?

What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Usually a pair of sweats or basketball shorts.

What is the perfect romantic date?
Any date is romantic as long as I have my wife Madison by my side.

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Not ticklish at all.

What’s your favourite smell? What does it remind you of?
I love anything fruit scented.

When you look at a woman what catches your interest?
Her eyes. It’s what attracted me to my wife Madison. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.

Do you have somebody in your life now?
I do. Madison is the most important person in my life, besides our kids of course.

What is one word best describes her?
There are so many words to describe her, it’s hard to choose just one. If I had to, I would say compassionate. She is the most understanding and caring person I know.
That she is, I enjoyed getting to know her. Loved Tyler too, I want a friend like him.

Is your book part of a series? What does the future hold for the readers of the series?
My book isn’t part of a series, BUT I think I may be making an appearance in one or two of Nicole Garcia’s future books. But you didn’t hear that from me. he winks at me

OOOH good to know, thanks for the tidbit, looking forward to read them.

Thank you Ryder for chatting with me. Hugs to Madison.


Thanks for joining us and I hope you enjoyed the chat.

I met Ryder in Delivered Through the Storm by one of my fave authors, Nicole Garcia.

Madison Moore is a single mother of two young boys. She’s not interested in dating or partaking in meaningless sex. Her only goal in life is to be a good mother and make life as normal as possible for her oldest son who is diagnosed with a learning disability.

When Ryder Storm literally comes crashing into her home and turns her life upside down, she finds herself falling hard. Madison’s denial about her feelings and dismissal of his advancements only fuels Ryder’s determination to make her his. Madison may think she poses a challenge for Ryder, but victory will be his, and when all her defenses are down, he’ll be more than willing to deliver whatever she needs.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Kai Kennicott and Wen Ross

Here is my review:

yummy Storm
I am in love with Ryder Storm! Definitely going into my BBF collection 😉
I really enjoyed the story, the way it unfolded and more layered were revealed, I didn’t have a choice but to fall in love with Ryder. He is strong, protective, loyal. I am glad that Madison and him met, they help each other in so many ways. I really felt for Madison, her ex was a jerk. Loved the banter between Ryder and his best friend, Keto and family. Madison’s best friend Tyler is awesome and hilarious at times, made me wish for one too 😀 – 5 stars
Quite a few emotional moments and were portrayed well by the narrators. Enjoyed listening to both and the voices they gave to the many characters, the duet style worked beautifully for this story. – 4 stars

To learn about all the books and keep in touch with Ms. Garcia, check out the links below


newsletter • Facebook • Twitter • Amazon • Goodreads

Two lucky readers will receive the audiobook version of Delivered Through the Storm, courtesy of Ms. Garcia. Sexy Mr. Random will pick a winner from the comments after 3pm EST on Monday, November 19, 2018. GOOD LUCK!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

Luce’s surprise visit – OH MY!

Hello and welcome!

Read on and find out about the surprise visit I got lat night.

Ah, a Thursday night to myself, I speak to myself, as I make plans to curl up on the couch and watch a movie munching on some chocolates left behind by MA and maybe some popcorn too..

I get close to my front door and I notice a man standing next to it. He is tall, around six foot two, with medium brown hair he keeps in a tiny ponytail at the back of his head. He sees me coming towards him and a hopeful look enters his eyes. I have a feeling I am going to like this, the heck with the movie. Then again, what is there not to like about him? He is dressed in leather from the top of his wide shoulders to his boots. We all know how I feel about men in leather, especially when it hugs their body like a lover and … OH MY!!! He is built to please!

Eni? The man enquires in a deep husky baritone that cause goosebumps over every inch of my body.

I stifle an appreciative sigh as I look into stormy blue eyes and answer, Can I do something for you?

I have something to show you, as well as a favor to ask, he begins.

I hate to do this, but a woman can’t be too sure of strangers waiting outside of her door, Who are you? And who sent you?

Well, he blushes, to be honest, I stole your records from MA’s computer files and hightailed it to your address. She is being unreasonable and I figured you might be able to help me reason with her.

Why should I? I decide to give this man a difficult time. You haven’t even told me your name yet, you just confessed to hacking into my friend’s computer, and I have never seen you before in my life. How do I know you aren’t hiding a weapon somewhere on you and waiting for me to let down my guard before you attack me or something.

My name is Luce and, I give you my word of honor as a Four Star General from the Hampton Planetoid that I am not a convict or pervert. I have only come with a small request, he insists.

The weapon? I ask pointedly.

Luce slowly turns, as he raises his hand into the air to show he isn’t hiding anything, Do you see any signs of a weapon?

I can’t help myself as my eyes head south and latch on to the curve of his behind. I have to admit, I don’t see signs of a weapon either. Perhaps, I should frisk him, then again, that would be a bad idea… for me.

It is then that I notice the tube he is carrying and wonder where that came from, What is in there?

It is what I came to show you, Luce admits.

Alright, I’ll bite, I comment, as I open the door, please come in and show me what you have.

Luce enters the room ahead of me and I softly sigh, I really like the view. He looks great in those leathers, especially from behind. Well, now you know… I like a well-defined tush on a man, so sue me 😛

As I hang up my coat, Luce opens the tube and unfurls a poster. I immediately gasp as I note it is a picture of one of MA’s upcoming releases and he is on it. I haven’t seen this before. I love it, but how did you get your hands on it?

I told you, I hacked into her computer, Luce doesn’t sound the least bit ashamed or repentant.

For this? Why? It is only a matter of time before she shows it off, she can’t keep  secrets when it comes to her books, I tell him.

She intended to keep this one a secret, even worse, she wasn’t going to release the book until 2020, and late in the year at that. I am not happy about having to wait that long for my bride. I want her now, Luce sounds fierce.

I can’t help you, I state. Cute tush or not.

Why not? Luce asks.

Her schedule is committed for the next year. There is nothing I can do to change that, I state.

How about next year? I am begging, Luce pleads. Teyla could change her mind and I can’t give her that chance.

Is she that fickle? I am tempted to believe she isn’t worth the effort you are going through for her, if that is the case, I reply.

She isn’t fickle, Luce defends his love.

That is so sweet. I give a sigh as his eyes plead his case. I can’t say no. Alright, I will talk her into it, but I want the poster.

It is yours, Luce all but pushes it at me, as he moves to give me a hug.

Wait! I quickly order him to stop, then I put the poster aside and hold out my arms. Now you can hug me. We will do a press release and she will have no choice but to fall in with our demands.

Luce gives me a hug and smile as he comments, I owe you, but for now, I better get back to my ship. I have a long way to go to get back.

I watch him leave and sigh, I really do love a man in leather.


I hope you enjoyed the visit too 😉 well… maybe not as much as I did, but …

Here’s the poster. Isn’t it gorgeous? Created by amazing Cora at Cora Graphics.


Teyla Sherman is a military genius that has climbed the ranks quickly on the planetoid known as New York in a cluster that was seeded centuries before by Earthships. She is known for her tactical mind, as well as her beauty and, although she is often sent into areas of the cluster to plan out strategies, she will not like the mission she is about to be sent out on. She is to shadow an equally talented General to develop plans for an attack on his planet, should they be needed. To do this, she is ordered to use every asset she has to accomplish her goal.

Luce Renfrew is known as a ladies man, a handsome devil that attracts women like a magnet. He is used to getting what he wants and he wants Teyla. He is prepared to use every dirty trick in the book to get his way, especially when he discovers that the attraction is mutual.

General Roberts is Teyla’s commanding officer and he hates her with a passion that is not to be denied. He will do anything to destroy her, but up to this point, his efforts have only elevated her career. When he finds out she is in love with a General from another Planetoid, he declares war of a different kind. If he can’t win one way, he will another.

When Generals from opposing sides of the cluster fall in love and the stakes are high, what will it take for those around them to let them come together?

Equals is scheduled to release October 2020. I am editing the manuscript now and I have to tell you, I understand why Luce wants his story released to the world earlier than scheduled.

Here is a taste 😉

“You feel so right in my arms,” Luce groaned, as he wrapped his arms around Teyla to pull her closer. He then feathered her lips with his, coaxing them apart to receive his kiss.

Teyla’s reaction was spontaneous, as she stretched up towards Luce and parted her lips to meet his. Her body strained to get closer, even as her mind screamed no.

Do you think I should help him and convince Mary Ann to release ‘Equals’ earlier than the scheduled date? Let me know in the comments and could win a $5 Amazon GC. Sexy Mr. Random will let me know who the winner is on Monday, November 12, 2018.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads! Sign up to Ms. Abraham’s blog and follow her on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date.

Until next time, happy book reading / listening and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

Hidden Kingdoms by M. A. Abraham

Hello and welcome!

A new release from M. A. Abraham! CONGRATS MA!


It has been several years since the Elves created the boundary that keeps them hidden from the rest of the world. They have been busy rebuilding the lands that were destroyed during the Drazon war, and developing new lands.

Now that the bulk of the work is done, the Oracles have called upon members of the younger generation to go on a Quest. It is time to free the High King of the Ancients at the furthest end of the Empire. To do this, they will have to travel through parts of the empire that everyone thought was nothing more than wild and empty territory. This, however, is not the case. What they are about to find will challenge their skills in many ways.

Come with them as they travel through this perilous land to find out if they can successfully free the Ancient King from his jail. If they do, will they return with him unchanged?

Buy Links

Amazon USAmazon CAAmazon UKAmazon AU


I am so excited for you to read it, I loved it.


My review:
5 stars
An exciting new adventure in the spin-off series, One Empire, that leads us Elfanatics further into the Elven Empire, following the select group chosen by the Fates from the younger generation, going beyond the borders and finding the Hidden Kingdoms. The usual twists and humorous bantering between the friends will delight you and keep you reading page after page.

You can read a chapter here.

Make sure you read book 0.5, a short story available in ebook format, Rising from the Ashes, before Hidden Kingdoms.


Sign up to Ms. Abraham’s blog and follow her on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date.

Until next time, happy book reading / listening and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

LuLLaY by Freya Barker

Hello and welcome!

I am so happy to be part of the book tour for this story. Loved it!

LuLLaY Banner


A Portland ME Christmas Novella

by Freya Barker

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release: November 1, 2018

Faith failed him.

Ambition drove her.

Serendipity brought them together.

They’ve never met, but their paths run in the same direction—home for the holidays.
Yet their reasons for leaving are as different as the reasons they return.

Meeting by chance along a 1400 mile stretch of highway when a snowstorm grinds traffic to a halt, they have no choice but to jointly ride it out.

Exposing a common thread, leading them from the past to the present, it’s through the innocent eyes of a toddler, they discover a future.

Teaser 4, square

Buy Links: Amazon USAmazon CAAmazon UKAmazon AUiTunesB&NKobo

Teaser 6, square

Add it to your Goodreads TBR list

Teaser 5, square


“Is that one for me?” she asks, more collected now that she’s dressed.
Sort of. The tight yoga pants and fitted shirt leave more to the imagination than those bulky towels did.
“It is, and if you’re hungry, there is food in the cooler. Courtesy of Syd.”
“Did you call her already?” Tana asks, while digging to find herself something to nosh on. She pulls out a baggie of vegetables and some sliced cheese. “This good for you?”
“Perfect, and no, I forgot. I’ll do it right now.”
When I slip my phone from my pocket, Tana makes a move to get back up—presumably to give me some privacy—but I quickly reach out and press a hand to her knee just as Syd answers.
“Took you long enough. I thought for sure we’d have to chase you down again.” I chuckle at Syd’s mock scolding.
“We just found a room. It’s mayhem out on the roads.”
“We?” Trust her to get stuck on that little word and I roll my eyes heavenward. “No half measures for you. Clearly. The woman I had on the phone earlier?” Syd barely gives me a chance to respond, and her volume has risen such that the woman sitting next to me can hear her side of the conversation just fine, judging by the tensing of her muscles under my hand.
“Yes. We’re stuck in a snowstorm and since the roads up ahead are closed, just about every bed in a fifty-mile radius was taken. We lucked out.”
“I don’t understand—you’re traveling together?”
“No, Tana’s car is at the bottom of a ditch. I just happened to pass by and spot it.”
“Jesus! Are they okay?”
“They’re fine, just shaken up. Flynn is already asleep.”
“Is that the name of her daughter? It’s pretty.”
“So is she. Spitting image of her mother.” Never mind that she’s sitting right next to me. There’s nothing I’m saying I don’t want her to know. Besides, if she is half as observant as I suspect she is, she already knows how I feel. No way my hard-on will let up with her squirming in her seat.
“You sound smitten.” I can hear the smile in her voice.
“Quite possibly,” I admit with a sideways glance at Tana.

Teaser 1, square

I had the pleasure to read this as an ARC and I bought my own copy too.
It was a 5-star read, here are my thoughts on it:
I am a fairly recent fan of Ms. Barker’s books and this is my first in the Portland ME series. I know, a bit backwards, but it can be read as a standalone too. It definitely picked my curiosity to go and start the series from the beginning. I want to know more about the rest of the characters.
What I like about the story is the natural progression and the feel of ‘real’ness. I could identify and feel with the characters, cheer them on and laugh or cry with them, be mad with/for them.
Tana is such a strong heroine and brave too, her daughter Flynn is so sweet and I couldn’t help but fall for Matt, he is everything a hero should be… protective, strong with a heart of gold, patient. The secondary characters added depth to the story each in their own way. Tana’s parents cracked me up, they also made my heart warm how they accepted Matt and Leena.
Thank you, Ms. Barker for another great story.


I have these in paperback, signed too. After reading the novella, planning read them asap.

The Portland ME Series

Portland ME Series

1 – From Dust / 2 – Cruel Water / 3 – Through Fire / 4 – Still Air

Amazon US • Barnes & Noble • KoboiTunes



Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; with characters who are perhaps less than perfect, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills, and some hot, sizzling sex in their lives.

A recipient of the RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for best first book, “Slim To None”, and Finalist for the Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, Freya has not slowed down.

She continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

To keep in touch with Ms. Barker and check out all her yummy books, follow the links below and if you chat with her, tell her I said hi 😀

• website • newsletter • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram • BookBub
• Amazon • B&N • iBooks • Kobo • Goodreads •

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

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Deborah Cooke & Her Books

USA Today Bestselling author Deborah Cooke writes paranormal romance and contemporary romance; she also writes medieval romance as New York Times bestselling author Claire Delacroix.

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