Unexpected Tantalarian visitors

Hello and welcome!

You will not believe who just stopped by! It was a surprise.. an awesome one. Read further and I’ll tell you what happened a few hours ago. Go on, you’ll love it.

What is that noise? I can’t help but wonder if I am hearing things, or dreaming, as the sound of giggling comes from the other room. It is the middle of the night, and I am reluctant to admit I am uneasy about going to check on things. I quickly push that feeling aside, as I attribute it to a bout of rampant imagination.

Setting the nagging suspicion that I am not alone aside, I enter the chat room, where I entertain my guests. I can hardly believe what I am seeing. There are two winged people in the room, and no, they are not paying attention to me, as one tickles the other. I can’t help but laugh, for their horseplay and the sound of their laughter is contagious. They are immediately alerted to my presence and they become more guarded, although the smiles they were wearing earlier remain in place.

Eniko? The dark haired male asks, as he bows deeply in greeting.

The sound of that rich baritone in my mind sends goose bumps all over me.

I have a feeling I know who this is, especially as there is a red haired winged female by his side. Together this couple makes quite a contrast to each other. His wings are very black, so much so that they seem to have a blue sheen to them. Her wings are so white, they gleam.

I have to work at taking my eyes off their wings, and I get the feeling they realize this, as they tuck them away behind them, to help out. That was when I saw his very naked and well-defined chest. Oh yes, a woman could die happy pressed against that. I nearly blurt out the first thought that crashes through my mind, and only stop in time to prevent verbalizing them. It isn’t quick enough to prevent these two from reading them though. The female is the first to begin teasing, and she is outrageous.

Really Eniko? That is all you can think to say? Hallelujah? I am Adele, and this is my mate, husband, Terec. We bring you greetings from Tantalus.

There is no sense trying to hide my thoughts from them, and their names tell me exactly who they are, as well as where they came from. I respond as well as my shock will allow me to, as I return their bows, while my eyes continue to stray he, I mean, they, present such a splendid sight as a couple… I am in such trouble. Both are wearing their ceremonial garb and, while Adele looks fabulous in hers, Terec makes me want to race for my drooling towel. That chest should be outlawed, and probably would be in he lived on Earth. So unfair, I want to go to Tantalus, even for a little while. I can barely stop myself from teasing him. You know the saying, never trust a redhead, they have wicked tempers.

I don’t mind if you tease and, it is alright if you look, after all, we have eyes for a reason. Right? Adele gets the ball rolling.

I like her.

Be good Adele, poor Eniko is having a difficult enough time controlling her thoughts without your help, Terec warns his mate.

You are such a spoil sport, Terec. Perhaps I should allow her to do some of what is going through her mind. Eniko, you would find his wings are definitely as soft as you suspect. Especially on the underside, and he is very ticklish, as you get closer to the inside ridges. He likes it when you… Adele got no further, as he interrupts.

I am sure Eniko isn’t interested in the details.

But I am, is my thought, even as Terec clears his throat. I would like to know as much as possible, and more, if I could get away with it.

Terec, behave, Adele admonished him, before adding. We are here for a reason, not to embarrass our hostess. If you can’t keep your thoughts to yourself, I will definitely allow her to fondle your pearls. You know how Eniko loves black pearls.

Terec’s eyes bulge, as my face burns, and I am sure it looks as hot as it feels. Red generally suits me, and yes, it is my favorite color, but not when it covers my face. Right about now, I would rather just find a hole to hide in.

Adele realizes she has taken her joke a touch too far, and moves to my side, to wrap a wing around my shoulders. She is immediately contrite for the blunt teasing remarks, and lets me know.

You must forgive my crude form of teasing. I love to get reactions from people, and tend to get carried away.

I am surrounded by the downy softness of the interior of her wings, and can only wonder if Terec’s are the same. The thought barely crosses my mind when his wings surround the both of us and, while they are not as comfortable as Adele’s, they are definitely worth dying for. Then again, so is the body that is pressed up against mine. That man is so hot.

Be good, Adele warns me. There is only so much of my man I am willing to share.

Quite understandable, I agree, as I put a little distance between Terec and I. Sigh, such a shame.

We come bearing an invitation from Kyllan. He requests the honour of your attendance at an evening get-together in approximately three months from now, in your time. If you are interested, he will provide transportation, Terec passed on the message they had been sent to deliver.

AM I INTERESTED? Three months from now? Do I have to thing about that? Snort.

Mentally listing the pros… Kyllan, maybe with a red bow wrapped around his hips? Something to consider, no matter how unlikely…. cons – hmmm, cons?

Adele laughs out loud, as she responds to the pictures that cross my mind.

We will pass your messages on to Kyllan that you are considering the matter, and how.

Terec and Adele don’t stick around to chitchat further. They leave.

I follow them outside, into the darkness, and watch as they fly off together. A few moments later, I hear the sound of deep laughter, and know Kyllan has received my thoughts. It is definitely time to go back into my rooms.


Hope you enjoyed reading about my little adventure and you have to agree, it is never dull around me LOL if the Elves don’t highjack my chats, now I have Tantalarians popping in at all hours, but… I AM NOT COMPLAINING … nope, no way! I am having too much fun 😉

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Adele and Terec hail from “Hunter’s Challenge”, book 3 in the Tantalus series by M. A. Abraham. If you have not read them, I urge you to do so, they are very entertaining. “Hunter’s Challenge” is releasing tomorrow, October 1, 2016! YAY


The entity who has been called the ‘Witch Hunter’ is focusing on those who have psychic powers. He has issued an edict to the Tantalarians, demanding that they bow to his will. He has challenged the wrong people, though he doesn’t seem to realize it.

One Tantalarian, in particular, feels he has an axe to grind with this ‘Witch Hunter’. This entity has mentally attacked Terec, and singled out the woman he loves to use for his own nefarious purpose. He will not rest until his foe is dead, the game lines have been drawn, the war is on. He might be a young warrior, but he will protect his own. He has nothing to lose but his life, for until the one he loves is safe from the madman, he will stop at nothing.

Adele, a young Earthling, falls in love with the young Tantalarian Hunter, Terec, at first sight and is determined she will have no one else. One of the Phoenixes connects with Adele, creating changes in her, both mentally and physically, that no one expected.

Adele, agrees with Terec’s decision to go after the ‘Witch Hunter’, although she knows how dangerous his plans are and she is prepared to fight at the side of the man she loves.

You can read Chapter 1 here. And the buy links are here.


There is a 2-day party on Facebook starting at 10am EST, hope you will join us and celebrate the release of the book. Many awesome guest spotlights, giveaways and fun.

Kindle Fire-wTantalusBooks.jpg


Rafflecopter giveaway is set up with awesome prizes for 2 lucky readers, a Kindle Fire with the 3 Tantalus ebooks and a signed “Hunter’s Challenge” paperback. It ends in less than 24 hours.

To celebrate her new release, Ms. Abraham is gifting an ebook copy of “Hunter’s Challenge” to a lucky reader. Comment on this post and tell me if you think there is other intelligent life outside our universe. Sexy Mr. Random will pick the winner’s name at 10 am on Sunday, October 2, 2016. GOOD LUCK!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

My Chat with Marie Harte

Hello and welcome!

My guest today is another of my fave authors whose books I enjoy reading… a lot.

Please welcome Marie Harte!


I’ve been writing as far back as I can remember. Interest in the written word, no doubt spawned by my English teacher father, continues to this day. I’m a voracious reader, gobbling everything from romance to horror to fantasy and more. I’m in love with the art of storytelling.

I majored in English from Penn State University, earning a B.A. in Liberal Arts, as well as a commission in the United States Marine Corps. Five years later, after serving as a communications officer, I left the service to focus more on family. After going through an assortment of jobs–the Marine Corps Reserve, IT representative, middle manager for a Fortune 500 transportation company–I stopped working to raise my children. During this period, I decided to stop dreaming and start seriously writing.

In December of 2004 my first story was published, and I haven’t looked back since. I currently have over a hundred titles with several publishers to include: Ellora’s Cave, Fated Desires, Loose Id, Samhain, Sourcebooks, and Totally Bound. I’ve hit both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists and am always on deadline.

I currently live in Central Oregon with my family, writing like a woman possessed and loving every second of it.

Do you have a nickname?
Slacker? Ha. Not really.

What is one word best describes you?

What makes you laugh out loud?
Seinfeld. Every time.

What is your favourite smell? What does it remind you of?
I love the smell of eucalyptus. It reminds me of Seattle, oddly enough. When living in Georgia, I’d go to visit my mother in Seattle, and I loved it there. She had this eucalyptus scent in her house, and I loved it.

Favourite place to spend time in.
A coffee shop with a book in hand.

Is there a genre that you refuse to read?
I’m not a fan of inspirational romance. I tried once, and it just did nothing for me.

Writing! What started it?
I’ve always liked entertaining myself, so as a child I’ll tell myself stories so I would never be bored.

If you could choose another career what would it be?
I’d be a doctor. I’m fascinated with what the human body is capable of and how to fix it.

Audiobooks! Any plans to have any of your books in audio format?
Yes, I do have plans. But it’s slow going. I’d like to eventually have all my titles in print, ebook, and audio.

Does your work convey a specific emotion or message?
That it’s okay to have fun and enjoy life and love, and that everyone deserved a second chance at happiness.

Who is your intended audience and why should they read your books?
I write for myself first of all. But any woman or man over the age of 18+ who wants to read about snarky characters ending in a happily ever after? That’s who I’m targeting.

What is next in your writing?
I’m currently gearing up to write Lou’s story. He’s the fourth Body Shop Bad boy and the last in that series. Then I’ll turn to Hope’s story. She’s a Donnigan sibling. And her hero is a character I’ve been dying to write about forever. J.T.—Del’s brother (from What to Do with a Bad Boy).

Thank you so much for taking the time from your busy schedule to chat with me.


Thank you for joining us and hope you enjoyed the chat. You should read the facts Marie Harte shares about herself on her website… a grenade launcher? 😀

I read quite a few of her books, loved them all. First were the Storm Lords series…










next a really good series… remember I had Anson from Served Sweet for a chat last year?


started on this series… oh my… hawt!!!


There are many already published in many genres and I am working my way thru them.


Looking forward to the Body Shop Bad Boys series.


To keep in touch with Ms. Harte and check out all her yummy books (YOU HAVE  TO CHECK THEM OUT!!!!), follow the links below.

websiteFacebookTwitterAmazonB&NKobo • iTunes •
AReSamhainEllora’s Cave

To start you on the journey into her book world, Ms. Harte is offering an ebook of winner’s choice from her backlist and a $5 Amazon GC.

The lucky reader will be chosen by Sexy Mr. Random from the comments after 3pm EST, Monday, September 26, 2016. GOOD LUCK!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

My Chat with Hugh

Hello and welcome!

It’s been a while, but I am back and have I a treat for you today?

Read on 😉

What is your full name?
Hugh MacIain MacDonald, 13th Chieftain of Glencoe

Do you have a nickname?
None that I’d own up to, lass.

What is one word best describes you?

Describe what you are wearing now to our readers.
Och, ye’d think we were about to have a gathering with all this blather about my costume. Bloody hell, I’m wearing nothing special. Just a shirt, doublet, and kilt in the MacIan tartan…With all the usual accoutrements—I’ve a sword at my hip, a dirk at my belt and daggers in my hose and up my sleeves. But ye needn’t fear me, lass. The weapons are to fend off any unwanted visitors.

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?
If she didna, I’d hang her by her thumbs.

What makes you laugh out loud?
Campbells when they are hanging by their thumbs.

What is your favourite dessert?
Apple tart. Especially when ’tis topped by a wee bit ’o cream.

What is your favourite drink?
Whisky. No finer spirit hath man ever made.

What is your greatest fear?
Another attack like the one in the Coe.

What is your favourite colour?
Wisteria blue like the color of Charlotte’s eyes.

What do you wear when you go to sleep?
grins Wouldna ye like to ken, lass?
Yes, I would 😀

What is the perfect romantic date?
I like to surprise a lass when she’s not expecting to see me. Then take her to the height of Ben Nevis and watch the Northern Lights illuminate the sky as we share a bottle of French champagne beneath the warmth of a woolen plaid.

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
My feet—but ye canna tell a soul, and remember I’m armed.

What’s your favourite smell? What does it remind you of?
Wildflowers remind me of my true love, Charlotte. Mm. I can smell a bouquet of lavender and roses now.

When you look at a woman what catches your interest?
I suppose it is different with every lass—but a pair of lovely eyes always makes me melt like warm cream butter.

Do you have somebody in your life now?
Och, aye. Have you read The Fearless Highlander? Make no bones about it, Miss Charlotte is the woman for me.
Lucky lady!

What is one word best describes her?
No one mere word could describe my Charlotte…except perhaps, rapturous.

Is your book part of a series? What does the future hold for the readers of the series?
Aye, The Fearless Highlander is the first in The Highland Defender Series and is followed by The Valiant Highlander. After that, these books are changing publishers and the series title will be altered to Lords of the Highlands. Hachette/Grand Central/Forever is releasing The Highland Duke on March 28, 2017 followed by The Highland Commander on May 30th and then The Highland Earl (working title) in October.

Amy’s books are on my auto-buy list. Thank you for spending time with me! Sending my regards to Miss Charlotte.


I hope you enjoyed the chat as much as I did. Thanks for joining us.


As Hugh mentioned, he hails from The Fearless Highlander by Amy Jarecki and is the first in the series.

Heir to the most notorious clan in the Highlands, Hugh MacIain hides his identity while imprisoned in the bowels of Fort William’s hell. Aye, this braw warrior has endured horrors that should have seen him dead, though now it appears it’s the bloody flux that will send him to Satan’s fire.

Optimistic, competent, and captivating, Charlotte Hill takes pity on the fevered prisoner sprawled atop a cot in the fort’s surgery. When finally the Highlander opens his eyes, he seizes her heart with a pained stare. Truly, this is no commoner – but in 1692, a warrior loyal to the Jacobite cause and the daughter of a government colonel may as well be worlds apart.

After his escape, Hugh snatches his chance to woo the lass, until disaster strikes. While war and lust for vengeance force Charlotte further from Hugh’s arms, the couple’s romance seems aimlessly adrift on the open sea. Before they sail too far apart, can the tender love of an English lady coax a determined Highlander from his path of revenge?


I listened to the audiobook and just WOW

Wow! What a story! It was one of the best I’ve listened to so far. Ms. Jarecki writes her tales in a way that touch the soul while giving the reader a wee bit of a history lesson. I loved how it grabbed my attention and I couldn’t wait to get back to it. The main characters, Hugh and Charlotte, are so well suited despite their many differences and they show that love is indeed a powerful force, compassion is never to be dismissed. Loved the HEA ending, as usual the author doesn’t leave the reader with questions. Looking forward to the next one.

This is the first of Mr. Froomkin’s narrations I listened to and it is exceptional.
His voices are many, I never had to wonder who was speaking and the most important thing for me is that I didn’t just hear the words, I felt them, every emotion, sigh, cry, anger, joy, love. I got lost in the story. My fave was the voice he gave Hugh, also his Father’s and Charlotte’s come in close second. Thank you for a most pleasant experience. You’ve got a new fan! 😀


The second book in the series, “Highland Defender” is waiting for me on my iPad and I can’t wait to start listening to it, Joel Froomkin’s voice is amazing.


Ms. Jarecki just released  cover for The Highland Duke, book 1 in the Lords of the Highland Series, carrying on from the Highland Defender Series and taking place in the first Jacobite uprising. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Lord George Gordon has much at risk and more to hide. He shouldn’t have been so cavalier, riding into battle with his cousin. But hindsight has a way of making men wise. When a musket ball lodges in his thigh, he has no choice but to trust the healer who finds him.

Akira Ayres isn’t so certain about the mysterious wounded Highlander. Though he’s a Jacobite, she cannot let him die. When they’re hunted by a murderous captain, the pair must flee. But Akira isn’t about to race away with the brutish Highlander barking orders. She has three sisters who depend on her income for food and shelter.

Bleeding and weak, His Grace needs her more. When he promises her payment, Akira agrees to help him home. Aye, the Duke of Gordon may be a rake, but he could very well lose his hardened heart to a Gypsy rose.

Publication date is March 28, 2017 and available for pre-order now through all online book retailers.

Ms. Jarecki loves hearing from her readers and can be contacted through her website. She can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. If you do chat with her, say hello from me 😀

Check out the books and keep up to date: AmazonB&NiBooksAudibleGoodreadsnewsletter.

If you missed my chat with Ms. Jarecki last October, check it out, and I had couple of her hunks for a chat: William on July 8, 2016 and Calum on July 17, 2015 YUM

To start you on the journey into the series, Ms. Jarecki is giving away the audio version of “The Fearless Highlander” to one lucky reader. The winner will be chosen from the comments by Sexy Mr. Random after 3pm EST on Monday, September 19, 2016. GOOD LUCK!

Until next time read a book, listen to a book and don’t forget to show your love by leaving a review!

Hunter’s Challenge – Chapter I


Check out Chapter 1 from “Hunter’s Challenge”, book 3 of the Tantalus series by M. A. Abraham, to be released on October 1, 2016.


The entity who has been called the ‘Witch Hunter’ is focusing on those who have psychic powers. He has issued an edict to the Tantalarians, demanding that they bow to his will. He has challenged the wrong people, though he doesn’t seem to realize it.

One Tantalarian, in particular, feels he has an axe to grind with this ‘Witch Hunter’. This entity has mentally attacked Terec, and singled out the woman he loves to use for his own nefarious purpose. He will not rest until his foe is dead, the game lines have been drawn, the war is on. He might be a young warrior, but he will protect his own. He has nothing to lose but his life, for until the one he loves is safe from the madman, he will stop at nothing.

Adele, a young Earthling, falls in love with the young Tantalarian Hunter, Terec, at first sight and is determined she will have no one else. One of the Phoenixes connects with Adele, creating changes in her, both mentally and physically, that no one expected.

Adele, agrees with Terec’s decision to go after the ‘Witch Hunter, although she knows how dangerous his plans are and she is prepared to fight at the side of the man she loves.

Source: Hunter’s Challenge – Chapter I

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